A Simple Idea, Not A Small One

November 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

It’s been 8 flights, 6 cities and 5 rental cars since I last blogged. I’ve officially fallen prey to “not having enough time” and I’m sick of it. It is a terrible excuse. SO here I go again, re-starting my mission to blog regularly without big gaps… to make time for this pastime I just so happen to love. Personal challenge accepted.

To catch you up, here are some recent highlights of my life:

    • My favorite season [autumn] officially arrived!
    • rice krispieI met the largest Rice Krispie treat on the planet
    • The Voice Season 7 began
    • I finished what is now my favorite book (I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson)
    • I stole Sadie’s identity at Christopher Newport University
    • I tried [& enjoyed] Strawberry Phosphate
    • I was upgraded to First Class
    • The Panera employees in Rome, GA learned my order so I can now say “the usual”IMG_0033
    • I had my first (and second and third) Sheetz experience with ADPi at Allegheny
    • Theta Upsilon was officially installed at Shorter University
    • I went to a Mask and Wig show and went on an impromptu “dessert tour” at UPenn
    • I discovered my new favorite coffee shop (Swift & Finch)
    • I had a “selfie photo shoot” with Alan Cumming

alan cumming

In between each of these monumental events, I was able to grab coffee with old friends or make new ones and encounter many of the nicest strangers! From flight attendants and people around me in airport security lines to NYC cab drivers and street florists, I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by great people. These people and moments have reminded me, once again, to find the payoff in every situation. If you always look for the positive, not only will you find it but it will likely come looking for you!

If you know me at all, you know that I am a firm believer in small things and their power to make the biggest differences. I remind myself of that daily, and I try my best to encourage others to adopt that perspective. Never let anything distract from the importance of appreciating, acknowledging and creating little victories for ourselves and those around us.

On one of my recent visits an ADPi sister and I got to talking about our mutual love for this mentality. As a result, she shared with me a TED talk which she had used in a chapter workshop and I have now shared on every chapter visit since. The speaker in the video, Drew Dudley, does an excellent job helping the audience understand the idea that we are all change agents and we are all capable of making a difference in this world simply by making a difference in the lives around us.

Watch Dudley’s TED talk here:

(Big thanks to Katey Barley (ΘΝ) for sharing this video, therefore creating a “lollipop moment” for me.)

I hope Dudley’s talk resonates with you and helps you begin to expect lollipop moments every day– to create them and to acknowledge them. Using this mentality we can come one step closer to making this world a little happier.

As Dudley said it best, “It’s a simple idea but I don’t think it’s a small one.”

10 Reasons to Smile A Little Bigger

September 8, 2014 § Leave a comment

It is important to make time for happy things no matter how long or stressful your day may be. That is what I told myself just over a year ago and it has since led me to wonderful stories, videos and organizations such as SoulPancake, UpWorthy and TED Talks. It has opened my eyes to the beautiful things going on in the world around us and has allowed me at least a moment of “warm & fuzzy” every single day. Today I felt like sharing a few of my finds. Some are the most recent and others from long ago but they will all give you your daily dose of rainbows and sunshine. Enjoy! 

1. Here you can watch this adorable little boy get a foul ball at Fenway Park and selflessly give it away to the little girl behind him. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 8.18.57 PM

2. Read the uplifting message Taylor Swift sent to a fan who was getting bullied here.

3. Watch this video promoting the Always “#LikeAGirl” campaign, centered around empowering women and redefining what it means to do something like a girl in a beautiful way.

4. In this video SoulPancake encourages people on the street to take a moment and write themselves a love letter.

5. In this video “The Impression Guys” pretend to be celebrities and make phone calls to random people to brighten their day.

6. Watch 13 year-old Logan Laplante as he wows the TEDx audience by sharing his perspective on education.

7. Let your heart smile while you watch Kid President throw a surprise party for the most deserving retiring teacher.

8. Listen to how this lesbian woman responded to a 4 year-old who asked if she was a boy. I promise, this will apply to you regardless of your sexual identity.

9. Check out this prankster as he pretends to be a homeless person but actually gives back to everyone who gives to him.

10. Last but not least, I will leave you with this masterpiece, a throwback, from the one and only Justin Timberlake. You are a genius, sir. I have yet to see a day that couldn’t be fixed by watching this: 

BONUS: This song & this scene. Enjoy! 

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