Happy Birthday Kaleigh: an open letter to my best friend

April 12, 2014 § 1 Comment

Because no photo collage or Facebook status could ever sum up how much I love you and treasure your friendship today and every day. Happy happy birthday to you! 


Many things have occurred over the past few months that had me realizing how lucky and fortunate I am to have a sister, but I must be extra special to have a sister as fabulous as you. I almost feel guilty that no one else gets to experience the relationship that we have. It’s pretty amazing that I can count the number of fights we have ever had on just one hand and can actually look back on each of them with laughter (especially the debacle that ended in a broken reed and severed bow strings!).


I couldn’t dream up a cooler human being to share my laughs, tears, frustrations, smiles and ridiculous stories with. I would definitely not be sane without you and I’ve probably escaped trouble on a few occasions all thanks to you. You always have my best interest and well-being in mind, but you’ve never kept me from making my own decisions and mistakes. For that I am forever grateful. You will always entertain my ideas of idiocy, yet you know exactly what to say in every situation. You make me want to be better in all that I do, but you’ve never pressured me to do so.

I love knowing that I have someone I can always call, depend on and trust. I am so proud to know you and to be your other half. One of my favorite things to do is brag about how funny, smart, beautiful and, of course, talented you are. You are seriously like every perfect person rolled into one, yet you’re probably rolling your eyes reading this because of how humble you are.


Everyone who has ever met you either wants to be you or falls in love with you (probably a little of both). Every single person who has ever been graced with your presence is so impressed by your strength and maturity and taken by your wit and charm. Seriously, some rando even painted a MURAL of you in his pizza shop. Who ARE you?!

Sometimes I feel as though you are talented to a fault, like people are so overwhelmed by your immense talent that they don’t focus enough on what lies beneath the surface. Lucky for me, I know all about that stuff. You have always been an inspiration to me. I remember the first time someone asked me who my role model was, and all my friends answered the question with the names of famous athletes and pop stars, and I said “my big sister.” Not one day has passed when I’ve ever traded you out of that spot. You are the one person in my life who has always believed in me, supported me, challenged me and empowered me. You are a constant reminder that it is possible to be kind, sassy, genuine, talented, confident, humble and downright hilarious all at the same time. I swear you aren’t human.


At this time in my life, when I’m nearing the end of college and life as I know it, I’ve been spending a lot of my time reminiscing. As I look back on my life you are the person beside me in all of my most treasured memories. You were the one rubbing my back when I couldn’t fall asleep, the one telling me stories when I couldn’t dream, the one building walls out of pillows so I wouldn’t see the lightning. You have always been there, always. You are an incredible talent and an even better person, sister and friend. In my eyes you are a superstar, yet you’ve never been anything but grounded.

You are a force to be reckoned with, Kaleigh Cronin. I couldn’t be prouder to call you my sister and my very best friend. Thank you for putting a smile on my face 22 years ago and never letting it fade. I love you the most and I sincerely could not live without you.

Love always,

           Kara, President of the Kaleigh Cronin Fan Club

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